Updated 2 CFR 200: Compliance Made Easy with Ignatius


Compliance Made Easy

Updated 2 CFR 200: Compliance Made Easy with Ignatius

In the world of government funding, compliance is key. Government agencies and organizations receiving federal funds must adhere to the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards, also known as 2 CFR 200. This set of regulations outlines the guidelines for effectively managing federal grants and ensuring transparency and accountability in the use of taxpayer dollars.

While compliance with 2 CFR 200 can seem daunting, Ignatius provides a low-code application platform that simplifies the process and helps government agencies and organizations streamline their compliance efforts. With Ignatius, complying with 2 CFR 200 becomes efficient and stress-free.

Efficient Management of Federal Grants

Ignatius offers a range of features that assist with compliance and efficient management of federal grants. Here are some examples:

  • Budget Tracking: Ignatius allows users to easily create and track budgets for their federal grants. This ensures that funds are allocated appropriately and in compliance with 2 CFR 200.
  • Financial Reporting: Users can leverage Ignatius to generate comprehensive financial reports, including expense summaries and documentation required for audit purposes. This feature helps agencies demonstrate their compliance with 2 CFR 200.
  • Procurement Management: Ignatius provides tools for managing procurement processes, ensuring that purchases made with federal grant funds are in accordance with the regulations outlined in 2 CFR 200.
  • Time and Effort Tracking: Ignatius allows organizations to efficiently track the time and effort spent on different projects or activities funded by federal grants. This helps ensure compliance with 2 CFR 200’s requirements for documenting personnel costs.

By utilizing these features, government agencies and organizations can streamline their compliance efforts, reduce the risk of non-compliance, and ultimately utilize federal grants more effectively.

Real-World Example: Scholarships and Workforce Development

Let’s take a real-world example to showcase how Ignatius can assist with compliance in the context of scholarships and workforce development in public universities. In a previous article, we discussed how Ignatius helps efficiently manage scholarships and workforce development in public universities. (Link: Efficient Management of Scholarships and Workforce Development in Public Universities) By utilizing Ignatius, universities can ensure compliance with 2 CFR 200 in the following ways:

  • Application Process: Ignatius can be configured to streamline the scholarship application process, ensuring that students meet the eligibility requirements outlined in 2 CFR 200.
  • Award Management: Ignatius enables universities to effectively manage scholarship awards, track disbursements, and ensure proper documentation and reporting in compliance with 2 CFR 200.
  • Workforce Development: Ignatius can be utilized to monitor and document workforce development initiatives funded by federal grants, aligning with the requirements of 2 CFR 200.

By implementing Ignatius in this scenario, public universities can effectively manage scholarships and workforce development while adhering to the compliance guidelines set forth in 2 CFR 200.


Complying with 2 CFR 200 is essential for government agencies and organizations receiving federal grants. Ignatius provides a powerful low-code platform that simplifies compliance efforts and streamlines the management of federal grants. Whether it’s budget tracking, financial reporting, procurement management, or time and effort tracking, Ignatius offers features that help ensure compliance with 2 CFR 200. By leveraging Ignatius, government entities can efficiently manage grants and focus on their mission to serve communities effectively.

For more information on how Ignatius can assist with compliance and efficient government operations, check out these related articles:

  1. FEMA Public Assistance Projects: The Ignatius Approach
  2. Low-Code Auto ML for Efficient Government Operations

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